Connecting Indiana children, adults, and families to programs, services, and resources to meet their individual needs.
Perseverance Partners is committed to helping Indiana children, adults, and families navigate a range of social determinants of health and complex behavioral and emotional needs. Our evidence-based, trauma-informed programs and services acknowledge the uniqueness of an individual's or a family's challenges and are designed to help individuals recover and thrive.
Providing an array of programs and services to individuals and families in Indiana.
Family-Centered Therapy
Address the needs of a family as a whole, recognizing that what affects one family member affects all family members. This home-based treatment model includes experienced professionals and strong community support.
Individual & Group Therapy
Therapeutic counseling addresses a multitude of challenges including depression, substance use, self-control/stress management, anxiety, and grief.
Case Management
Provides support to help individuals thrive by connecting them to services including medical, behavioral health, social, educational, legal, financial, and much more.
Parent & Family Functioning Assessments
In-home evaluation includes standardized assessments to identify the strengths and needs of a family.
Parent Education
Information and resources are provided to parents to enhance parenting practices, behaviors, and abilities to promote their child's or children's development.
Sexual Maladaptive Youth Assessment & Treatment
Treatment for youth struggling with sexually maladaptive behaviors and other emotional and behavioral impairments. Treatment is designed to help individuals learn how to manage compulsive sexual behavior and can include cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Family Visitation Facilitation
Provide professional monitors for supervised visitation. Monitors are trained to monitor visits for physical and emotional safety.
Family Preservation & Reunification
Therapists, case managers, and family support specialists work side by side with families to develop individualized, client-centered treatment plans to support trust, child wellbeing, and family connections. A range of evidence-based strategies are utilized to build on family strengths, address issues, and empower families.
Child & Adolescent Mentorship
Provide programs, services, and resources to help kids grow into confident, capable adults.
Trauma Assessment & Treatment
Gathering information for an in-depth understanding of the nature, timing, and severity of traumatic events, the effects of those events, and current trauma-related symptoms to identify needs and develop a treatment plan.
Substance Use Assessment & Treatment
Evidence-based practices, interventions, and treatment programs are driven by individual assessments and led by certified/licensed behavioral health counselors. Includes detoxification, cognitive and behavioral therapy, and medication-assisted therapies.
Peer Recovery Services
Services that help individuals remove personal and environmental obstacles to recovery, link recovering persons to a recovery community, and serve as personal mentors in the application and management of ongoing personal and family recovery.
Victims of Sexual Assault Assessment & Treatment
Providing resources, trauma-informed treatment, and support to sexual assault survivors and their families. Therapy approaches include crisis intervention, individual therapy, group therapy, and support groups.
Domestic Violence Services
Intimate Partner Violence treatment programs and services that engage individuals who suffer from abuse, as well as the individual causing harm, to help individuals develop healthier relationships, change destructive behavior, and break the cycle of abuse.